novel study
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Where the Red Fern Grows Objective Tests and CCSS Quizzes
$16.50Where the Red Fern Grows Objective Tests and CCSS/Standards-Based Quizzes
Where the Red Fern Grows Objective Tests and CCSS/Standards-Based Quizzes is a 70-page teaching resource for Wilson Rawls’s classic novel with two components components:Where the Red Fern Grows Objective Tests
•A series of OBJECTIVE TESTS (multiple choice, true/false, yes/no, fill in the blank) that check for FACTUAL CONTENT and basic story comprehension. The questions cover the novel as chapter-by-chapter quizzes and as a whole book test.
In addition to their function as comprehension checks, these quizzes can be used as open-book reading guides, homework, small-group reading guides, and independent reading guides. Some teachers are also using them for close reading instruction.Where the Red Fern Grows CCSS/Standards-Based Quizzes
•The Chapter-by-chapter quizzes (5 questions each) and a whole book test (20 questions) target CCSS/Standards-based skills.
The questions are a combination of multiple choice, short answer, sequencing, etc. Each chapter and the whole book quiz includes a CCSS-aligned writing challenge.Full answers keys for both the objective tests and the CCSS quizzes are included. All CCSS alignments are listed here rather than on the student pages.Where the Red Fern Grows Objective Tests and CCSS/Standards-Based Quizzes
Where the Red Fern Grows Objective Tests and CCSS/Standards-Based Quizzes is a 70-page teaching resource for Wilson Rawls’s classic novel with two components:Where the Red Fern Grows Objective Tests
•A series of OBJECTIVE TESTS (multiple choice, true/false, yes/no, fill in the blank) that check for FACTUAL CONTENT and basic story comprehension. The questions cover the novel as chapter-by-chapter quizzes and as a whole book test.
In addition to their function as comprehension checks, these quizzes can be used as open-book reading guides, homework, small-group reading guides, and independent reading guides. Some teachers are also using them for close reading instruction.Where the Red Fern Grows CCSS/Standards-Based Quizzes
•The Chapter-by-chapter quizzes (5 questions each) and a whole book test (20 questions) target CCSS/Standards-based skills.
The questions are a combination of multiple choice, short answer, sequencing, etc. Each chapter and the whole book quiz includes a CCSS-aligned writing challenge.Full answers keys for both the objective tests and the CCSS quizzes are included. All CCSS alignments are listed here rather than on the student pages.
Special Note: These two components are included in the full Novel Study Guide listed above. Please do not duplicate your order.
Where the Red Fern Grows Thinking and Writing Prompts and Graphic Organizers for Writing
$10.50This 38-page resource for teaching Wilson Rawls’s classic novel has two components.
Where the Red Fern Grows Thinking and Writing Prompts
The Think, Write, Create section offers a series of open-ended activities based on the higher level thinking skills of Bloom’s Taxonomy and specific CCSS skills. The items are organized as a section of chapter-by-chapter activities and a second group of whole-book, post-reading challenges. Difficulty levels are varied to accommodate the needs of individual students including the gifted. Elements of literature and vocabulary building are targeted in some of these activities. Where applicable, targeted CCSS skills are listed at the end of the prompts.Where the Red Fern Grows Graphic Organizers for Writing
The second component is a group of 14 Graphic Organizers that spring from a specific story event, idea, or character. Each topic offers opportunity for improving and polishing composition skills. This 38-page resource for teaching Wilson Rawls’s classic novel has two components.Special Note The two components in this file are included in the full Novel Study Guide listed first on this page. Please do not duplicate your order.
Witch of Blackbird Pond, The: Objective Tests Teaching Guide (Digital Download)
$12.00Witch of Blackbird Pond, The by Elizabeth George Speare
Witch of Blackbird Pond, The: Objective Tests Teaching Guide is a forty page resource for teaching Elizabeth George Speare’s 2959 Newbery Medal Winner.
Witch of Blackbird Pond, The: Objective Tests Teaching Guide is a series of OBJECTIVE TESTS that check for basic, factual story comprehension. The quizzes cover the novel chapter-by-chapter and also include a whole book test. Students will find it necessary to read the material carefully and thoroughly for FACTUAL CONTENT in order to score well on these quizzes.
Full answer keys are included.
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IMPORTANT NOTE: Witch of Blackbird Pond, The: Objective Tests Teaching Guide contains the Whole Book Test offered below as a separate purchase. Please do not unintentionally duplicate your order.
Christmas Carol: Vocabulary Study
$8.00Christmas Carol is loaded with perplexing vocabulary. There is no doubt whatsoever about that. The goal of this product is to give students and teachers a resource that will demystify at least some of the difficult vocabulary and apply it to modern usage.
Christmas Carol Components include:
A alphabetized list of the 135 words chosen for study with page numbers.
Stave-by-stave word lists, in book order, with text-applicable definitions and their page locations.
Dictionary Digs: Designed for use before reading, this section is a series of 6 two-page printables that require the interpretive use of a dictionary and bring all 135 words into modern context.
Vocabulary in Context: These pages take students back into the text, stave by stave, where they must place the correct word in a story fact, a story quote, or a combination of the two.
Application: These three activities apply Dickens’s vocabulary to modern meanings and sentence usage.
Full answer keys are included.NOTE: This is not part of the above product. This is a separate purchase.
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