This 38-page resource for teaching Wilson Rawls’s classic novel has two components.
Where the Red Fern Grows Thinking and Writing Prompts
The Think, Write, Create section offers a series of open-ended activities based on the higher level thinking skills of Bloom’s Taxonomy and specific CCSS skills. The items are organized as a section of chapter-by-chapter activities and a second group of whole-book, post-reading challenges. Difficulty levels are varied to accommodate the needs of individual students including the gifted. Elements of literature and vocabulary building are targeted in some of these activities. Where applicable, targeted CCSS skills are listed at the end of the prompts.
Where the Red Fern Grows Graphic Organizers for Writing
The second component is a group of 14 Graphic Organizers that spring from a specific story event, idea, or character. Each topic offers opportunity for improving and polishing composition skills. This 38-page resource for teaching Wilson Rawls’s classic novel has two components.
Special Note The two components in this file are included in the full Novel Study Guide listed first on this page. Please do not duplicate your order.
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