Showing 301–320 of 366 results
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry: Vocabulary Study (Digital Download)
$6.00Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry: Vocabulary Study is a nineteen-page teaching resource composed of
an alphabetized word list
book-order word lists with definitions
dictionary skills worksheets
word usage worksheets
full answer keys -
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry: Think, Write, Create Activities and Graphic Organizers (Digital Download
$8.00Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry: Think, Write, Create Activities and Graphic Organizers is a twenty-seven page teaching resource for Mildred D. Taylor’ 1977 Newbery Medal Winner with two components.
Chapter-by-chapter and whole book THINK, WRITE, CREATE open-ended prompts, based on the higher level thinking skills of Bloom’s Taxonomy, which range in difficulty from the most basic to challenges for gifted students.
A series of GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS for writing based on specific novel events or characters. -
Holes: Vocabulary Study (Digital Download)
$5.00Holes: Vocabulary Study is a twelve-page resource for teaching Louis Sachar’s 1999 Newbery Medal Winner composed of
an alphabetized word list
book-order word lists with definitions
dictionary skills worksheets
word usage worksheets
full answer keys -
Holes: Think, Write, Create Activities with Graphic Organizers (Digital Download)
$8.00Holes: Think, Write, Create Activities with Graphic Organizers is a twenty-five page resource for teaching Louis Sachar’s 1999 Newbery Medal Winner with two components.
Chapter-by-chapter and whole book THINK, WRITE, CREATE open-ended prompts, based on the higher level thinking skills of Bloom’s Taxonomy, which range in difficulty from the most basic to challenges for gifted students.
A series of GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS for writing based on specific novel events or characters. -
Bridge to Terabithia Think, Write, Create Activities with Graphic Organizers (Digital Download)
$7.00Bridge to Terabithia: Think, Write, Create Activities with Graphic Organizers is a thirty-five page resource for teaching Katherine Patterson’s 1978 Newbery Medal Winner with two components.
Chapter-by-chapter and whole book THINK, WRITE, CREATE open-ended prompts, based on the higher level thinking skills of Bloom’s Taxonomy, which range in difficulty from the most basic to challenges for gifted students.
A series of GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS for writing based on specific novel events or characters. -
Because Of Winn-Dixie Whole Book Test (Digital Download)
$5.00Because of Winn-Dixie Whole Book Test is a fifty-question multiple choice quiz for Kate DiCamillo’s 2001 Newbery Honor Book that covers the whole book and checks for basic FACTUAL comprehension.
Full answer keys are included.
Informational Texts for Task Cards/Literacy Centers–Main Idea
$8.00The 12 informational articles in “Things I Didn’t Know About Animals” are designed to help students grasp the concept of main idea and spot supporting details. The texts are short, compact, and filled with unusual and interesting facts to motivate young readers.
The Task Card/Literacy Center format in this download is a single, full-page presentation with the article on the left and a set of 3-5 questions on the right. In addition to main idea and supporting details the questions also address sequencing, cause and effect, inference, and using context clues to determine word meaning.Answer forms are included. This format can be used as a whole class lesson.
Full answer keys are included.
These pages are appropriate for 4th-6th grade classrooms and some 7th and 8th grade students. Motivated 3rd graders will also enjoy these articles.
View Sample Pages HERE.This set of informational texts are also as Interactive Notebook Pages.
Informational Text Pack For October: A Monster Story and Strange Weather
$6.50What could be more appropriate for the month of October than an Informational Text Pack that begins with an article about Frankenstein’s monster? Not only is he one of Halloween’s most versatile characters, he is also a star of stage, screen, and TV. The strange thing is—he has never had a name and he owes everything to his strikingly ugly looks.
The second text takes students back to 1816, known as the Year Without a Summer when people in New England and a few states father south were shoveling out from under a foot of snow in June! It wasn’t until the 1980s that science understood exactly what happened.
Youngsters will be surprised by the connection between the Year Without a Summer and Frankenstein’s monster.Each article is three pages of script accompanied by 15 CCSS aligned questions.
Full answer keys are included.
Touching Spirit Bear: Vocabulary Study
$8.00Touching Spirit Bear: Vocabulary Study is a twenty-five page resource begins with an alphabetical listing of one hundred eleven vocabulary words taken from the full novel text along with their page number(s).
Next is a series of chapter-by-chapter word lists with definitions that present the targeted vocabulary words in story order and identify their location by page number. Each word list is coupled with companion student worksheets that require interpretive use of a dictionary. These pages are designed to be used BEFORE reading so that students will have knowledge of the words when they encounter them again in story context.
Further activities include word usage, word analysis, and a study of FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE lifted from the story. These handouts may be assigned BEFORE or DURING the reading process.
Full answer keys are included.
Watsons Go to Birmingham–1963 Vocabulary Study (Digital Download)
$6.00Watsons Go to Birmingham–1963 Vocabulary Study is a 19-page resource composed of
a full-book alphabetized word list with page numbers
book-order word lists with definitions and page numbers
dictionary skills worksheets
word usage worksheets
figurative language worksheets
full answer keys -
Bridge to Terabithia Vocabulary Study (Digital Download)
$5.00Bridge to Terabithia: Vocabulary Study is a ten-page resource for teaching Katherine Patterson’s 1978 Newbery Medal Winner composed of
an alphabetized word list
book-order word lists with definitions
dictionary skills worksheets
word usage worksheets
full answer keys -
Homophones: Here (Hear), There (Their, They’re) and Everywhere! (Digital Download)
$12.00This eighty-six page resource covers thirty-one sets of commonly used (and misused!) homophones (sixty-six individual words).
Each of the eight lessons, with a focus on one to five homophone groups, has four parts: a set of thirty-four sentences for teaching and/or guided student practice, a group of thirty-three items for homework, a series of twenty writing prompts that require application of the lesson’s homophones, and a thirty-three sentence test—for a total of 120 items per lesson.
In addition to the eight lessons, this program contains six cumulative tests (fifty items each) and four graphic organizers for writing that require the use of a specified number of homophones. Full answer keys are included.
View SAMPLE PAGES (Use the back arrow to exit sample pages.)
Five Things You Didn’t Know about Thanksgiving
$7.00The five informational texts in this pack present unusual, but true facts about Thanksgiving—things you won’t find in the history books. Use them as a count-down to the Thanksgiving holidays or as part of a holiday literacy center.
Each one-page article is accompanied by 5 CCSS-aligned questions and 1 to 3 bonus questions that can turn into a writing or research assignment. Full answer keys are provided. Targeted CCSS skills are listed in the answer keys.
These texts are designed appeal to 6th-8th graders and address particular RI CCSS skills in these grade levels. However, 4th graders, 5th graders, and some high school students might also benefit from the material.View Sample Pages HERE.
Schooled: Short Answer Questions
$8.00Schooled: Short Answer Questions is a 22-page teaching resource is a series of chapter-by-chapter short answer question sets, ten items per set, that require detailed, factual responses. The pages are formatted as handouts with space provided for student responses.
Full answer keys are included.
Touching Spirit Bear: Short Answer Questions
$8.00Touching Spirit Bear: Short Answer Questions is a series of short answer questions covers the book in one to three chapter sets of ten items each. The questions encourage careful reading for FACTUAL RESPONSES. They do NOT address story interpretation, reader opinion, or elements of literature.
Full answer keys included.
Stone Fox: Whole Book Test
$4.00Stone Fox: Whole Book Test is a 33-2 question multiple choice quiz covers the whole book and checks for basic, FACTUAL comprehension. It does not require story interpretation, nor does it address elements of literature.
Full answer keys are included -
Watsons Go to Birmingham–1963 Short Answer Questions (Digital Download)
$6.00Watsons Go to Birmingham–1963 Short Answer Questions is a series of short answer questions that cover the book by individual chapters in sets of ten items each. The questions encourage careful reading for FACTUAL RESPONSES. They do NOT address story interpretation, reader opinion, or elements of literature. This material can be put to use as HOMEWORK, INDEPENDENT READING GUIDES, whole class or small group DISCUSSION GUIDES, POP QUIZZES, ANNOUNCED QUIZZES, and CONFERENCING TOOLS.
Full answer keys are included.
Thirteen total pages.
There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom Short Answer Questions (Digital Download)
$5.00There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom Short Answer Questions is a series of short answer questions covers the book in one to three chapter sets of ten items each. The questions encourage careful reading for FACTUAL RESPONSES. They do NOT address story interpretation, reader opinion, or elements of literature. This material can be put to use as HOMEWORK, INDEPENDENT READING GUIDES, whole class or small group DISCUSSION GUIDES, POP QUIZZES, ANNOUNCED QUIZZES, and CONFERENCING TOOLS.
Full answer keys are included. Fifteen total pages
Sounder: Whole Book Test (Digital Download)
$3.50Sounder: Whole Book Test is a thirty-three question True/False quiz covers the whole book and checks for basic, FACTUAL comprehension.
Full answer keys are included
Sarah, Plain and Tall: Whole Book Test (Digital Download)
$3.00Sarah, Plain and Tall: Whole Book Test is a thirty-three question multiple choice quiz covers the whole book and checks for basic, FACTUAL comprehension.
Full answer keys are included