Showing 261–280 of 366 results
Watsons Go to Birmingham–1963 Chapter Summaries and Objective Tests (Digital Download)
$15.00Watsons Go to Birmingham–1963 Chapter Summaries and Objective tests is a 54-page, two component teaching resource for Christopher Paul Crutis’ 1996 Newbery Honor Book.
Watsons Go to Birmingham–1963 Chapter Summaries
The detailed CHAPTER SUMMARIES are written in bulleted format for easy reference. They are great for jogging the memory when using the title from year to year.Watsons Go to Birmingham–1963 Objective Tests
The series of OBJECTIVE TESTS check for basic story comprehension. Formats include multiple choice, true and false, yes and no, and matching style. The questions cover the novel as chapter-by-chapter quizzes and as a whole book test. Students will need to read the book carefully and thoroughly for FACTUAL CONTENT in order to score well on these tests.Full answers keys are included.
There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom: Chapter Summaries and Objective Tests (Digital Download)
$12.75There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom: Chapter Summaries and Objective Tests is a sixty-two page resource for Louis Sachar’s popular book begins with detailed CHAPTER SUMMARIES presented in bulleted format for quick reference. These synopses are useful for quickly becoming familiar with a title when time is limited or for refreshing memory when using the novel from year to year.
The series of OBJECTIVE TESTS, which cover the novel chapter-by-chapter and as a whole book test, DO NOT REQUIRE STORY INTERPRETATION, but rather check for basic story comprehension. Students will find it necessary to read the material carefully and thoroughly for FACTUAL CONTENT in order to score well on these quizzes. The goal of this material is to build a strong foundation for progression to the higher level thinking skills. These pages can also serve as whole-class discussion guides, small-group or independent reading guides, homework, and conferencing tools. They are a valuable resource for managing a reading program that involves the use of multiple titles.
Full ANSWER KEYS are included.
Sounder: Chapter Summaries and Objective Tests (Digital Download)
$8.50Sounder: Chapter Summaries and Objective Tests is a twenty-seven page teaching resource for William H. Armstrong’s 1970 Newbery Medal Winner with two components.
Detailed CHAPTER SUMMARIES written in bulleted format for easy reference.
A series of OBJECTIVE TESTS that check for basic story comprehension. The questions cover the novel as chapter-by-chapter quizzes and as a whole book test. Students will need to read the book carefully and thoroughly for FACTUAL CONTENT in order to score well on these tests.
Full answers keys are included. -
Sarah, Plain and Tall: Chapter Summaries and Objective Tests (Digital Download)
$6.00Sarah, Plain and Tall: Chapter Summaries and Objective Tests is a 14-page page teaching resource for Patricia MacLachlan’s 1986 Newbery Medal Winner with two components.
Detailed CHAPTER SUMMARIES written in bulleted format for easy reference.
A series of OBJECTIVE TESTS that check for basic story comprehension. The questions cover the novel as chapter-by-chapter quizzes and as a whole book test. Students will need to read the book carefully and thoroughly for FACTUAL CONTENT in order to score well on these tests.
Full answers keys are included. -
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry: Chapter Summaries and Objective Tests (Digital Download)
$11.75Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry: Chapter Summaries and Objective Tests is a thirty-seven page teaching resource Mildred D. Taylor’s 1977 Newbery Medal Winner with two components.
Detailed CHAPTER SUMMARIES written in bulleted format for easy reference.
A series of OBJECTIVE TESTS that check for basic story comprehension. The questions cover the novel as chapter-by-chapter quizzes and as a whole book test. Students will need to read the book carefully and thoroughly for FACTUAL CONTENT in order to score well on these tests.
Full answers keys are included. -
Pinballs, The: Chapter Summaries and Objective Tests (Digital Download)
$11.75Pinballs, The: Chapter Summaries and Objective Tests is a forty-page resource for Betsy Byars’ heart-warming story with two components.
Detailed CHAPTER SUMMARIES written in bulleted format for easy reference.
A series of OBJECTIVE TESTS that check for basic story comprehension. The questions cover the novel as chapter-by-chapter quizzes and as a whole book test. Students will need to read the book carefully and thoroughly for FACTUAL CONTENT in order to score well on these tests.
Full answers keys are included. -
Pinballs, The: Prereading, Vocabulary, Short Answer Questions (Digital Download)
$8.00Pinballs, The: Prereading, Vocabulary, Short Answer Questions is a twenty-three page teaching resource with three components.
PREREADING activities and ideas with a bulletin board suggestion
VOCABULARY with word lists, definitions, dictionary activities, and usage worksheets.
Chapter-by-chapter SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS that require detailed, factual responses.
Full answer keys for vocabulary worksheets and short answer questions are included. -
Pinballs, The: Vocabulary Study (Digital Download)
$4.00Pinballs, The: Vocabulary Study is a eleven-page resource composed of
an alphabetized word list
book-order word lists with definitions
dictionary skills worksheets
word usage worksheets
full answer keys -
Pinballs, The: Think, Write, Create Activities with Graphic Organizers (Digital Download)
$9.00Pinballs, The: Think, Write, Create Activities with Graphic Organizers is a twenty-nine page teaching resource with two components.
Chapter-by-chapter and whole book THINK, WRITE, CREATE open-ended prompts, based on the higher level thinking skills of Bloom’s Taxonomy, which range in difficulty from the most basic to challenges for gifted students.
A series of GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS for writing based on specific novel events or characters. -
Pinballs, The: Whole Book Test (Digital Download)
$4.00Pinballs, The: Whole Book Test is a thirty-three question matching style quiz covers the whole book and checks for basic, FACTUAL comprehension.
Full answer keys are included
Bridge to Terabithia Summaries and Objective Tests (Digital Download)
$12.00Bridge to Terabithia: Summaries and Objective Tests is a thirty-three page, resource for teaching Katherine Patterson’s 1978 Newbery Medal Winner with two components.
Detailed CHAPTER SUMMARIES written in bulleted format for easy reference.
A series of OBJECTIVE TESTS that check for basic story comprehension. The questions cover the novel as chapter-by-chapter quizzes and as a whole book test. Students will need to read the book carefully and thoroughly for FACTUAL CONTENT in order to score well on these tests.
Full answers keys are included. -
Because of Winn-Dixie Objective Tests (Digital Download)
$10.00Because of Winn-Dixie Objective Tests is a forty-one page resource for teaching Kate DiCamillo’s 2001 Newbery Honor Book.
The OBJECTIVE TESTS check for basic, factual story comprehension. The quizzes cover the novel chapter-by-chapter and also include a whole book test. Students will find it necessary to read the material carefully and thoroughly for FACTUAL CONTENT in order to score well on these quizzes.
Full answer keys are included.
Among the Hidden Whole Book Test (Digital Download)
$4.00Among the Hidden Whole Book Test is a fifty-question multiple choice quiz for Margaret Peterson Haddix’s novel that covers the whole book and checks for basic FACTUAL comprehension.
Full answer keys are included.
Across Five Aprils Whole Book Test (Digital Download)
$4.00Across Five Aprils Whole Book Test is a 50-question multiple choice quiz for Irene Hunt’s 1965 Newbery Honor Book that covers the whole book and checks for basic FACTUAL comprehension. Full answer keys are included.
Informational Text Pack for September: Coffee with Punctuation
$6.50This informational text pack—Coffee with Punctuation—highlights National Punctuation Day on September 24th and International Coffee Day celebrated on September 29th.
The first article, “Punctuation Rules!,” begins with a trick sentence that illustrates how punctuation can change meaning. Next is a list of 5 punctuation vocabulary words with Greek and Latin backgrounds. A brief history of the development of English punctuation from ancient Greece to the present gives student a look at punctuation through the centuries. A final trick sentence offers them something a little different to do on National Punctuation Day.
The second article,”Let’s Go for Coffee,” chronicles the dual histories of coffee drinking and coffeehouses from the 14th Century to Colonial America (Students will be surprised to learn that the Boston Tea Party was plotted in a coffeehouse!) to the founding of that famous chain of coffeehouses in Seattle, Washington, in 1971.
“Punctuation Rules!” has 15 CCSS aligned questions. “Let’s Go for Coffee has 12.” Full answer keys (with targeted CCSS alignments) are included.
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Touching Spirit Bear: Prereading, Vocabulary, Short Answer Question
$12.00Touching Spirit Bear: Prereading, Vocabulary, Short Answer Question is a 39 page resource for teaching Ben Mikaelsen’s popular novel with three different components.
The PREREADING items include a graphic organizer for writing, group discussion/research questions, and a bulletin board idea. This section aligns with various CCSS ELA skills.
The VOCABULARY portion begins with an alphabetized list of the one hundred eleven words chosen for study. Next are convenient book-order word lists with definitions and page numbers. The accompanying dictionary activities, designed for use BEFORE reading, cover the book in chapter sequence. The other word usage activities may be used before or during reading. A study of FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE lifted from the story is also included in this section.
The chapter-by-chapter SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (10 items per set) require detailed FACTUAL responses. They are suitable for home-assigned reading guides, small group or whole class assignments, conferencing tools, pop quizzes, or individual assessment.
This teaching pack comes with FULL ANSWER KEYS, including short answer questions.
Stone Fox: Prereading, Vocabulary, Short Answer Questions
$8.50Stone Fox: Prereading, Vocabulary, Short Answer Questions is a 31-page teaching resource with three components.
•PREREADING activities and ideas with a bulletin board suggestion
•VOCABULARY with word lists, definitions, dictionary activities, and usage worksheets.
•Chapter-by-chapter SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS that require detailed, factual responses. They do not address story interpretation or elements of literatureFull answer keys for vocabulary worksheets and short answer questions are included.
A reference section with goals, teaching suggestions, and fourth grade Common Core alignment is available at the end of the document.
Word Trek: Book Three (Digital Download)
$99.95This FULL YEAR vocabulary/spelling program (thirty-six lessons with companion tests and key–312 total pages) features the study of GREEK and LATIN AFFIXES and BASE WORDS and ETYMOLOGIES. Lessons are organized in groups of six, with the last lesson in each pack being a review of the previous five.
Each lesson is constructed around one or more Greek and Latin base words and a set of TEN ADVANCED VOCABULARY WORDS, several of which are derived from the targeted base word(s). The study begins with definitions and progresses to usage, base word study, etymologies, and related vocabulary not on the core lesson list. Each lesson has a companion, twenty-five item test. Research and writing ideas and word lists with definitions are also included.
Word Trek Book Three, the third in a series of three books, is designed to be used with GIFTED SIXTH GRADERS However, it is also appropriate for motivated seventh/eight/ninth graders. Teacher discretion is the most reliable resource in determining grade level.
View SAMPLE PAGES (Use the back arrow to exit sample pages.)
Watsons Go to Birmingham–1963 Prereading Activities, Vocabulary Study, Short Answer Questions (Digital Download)
$8.50Watsons Go to Birmingham–1963 Prereading Activities, Vocabulary Study, Short Answer Questions is a thirty-four resource with four components.
Watsons Go to Birmingham–1963 Prereading Activities, Vocabulary Study, Short Answer Questions Components:
1. PREREADING activities and ideas with a bulletin board suggestion
2. VOCABULARY with word lists, definitions, dictionary activities, and usage worksheets.
3. Chapter-by-chapter SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS that require detailed, factual responses.
Full ANSWER KEYS for vocabulary worksheets and short answer questions are included. -
There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom: Thinking, Writing Prompts with Graphic Organizers (Digital Download)
$8.50There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom: Thinking, Writing Prompts with Graphic Organizers is a thirty-three page resource for teaching Louis Sachar’s popular story with two components:
Chapter-by-chapter and whole book THINK, WRITE, CREATE open-ended prompts, based on the higher level thinking skills of Bloom’s Taxonomy, which range in difficulty from the most basic to challenges for gifted students.
A series of GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS for writing based on specific novel events or characters.