writing prompts
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Where the Red Fern Grows Thinking and Writing Prompts and Graphic Organizers for Writing
$10.50This 38-page resource for teaching Wilson Rawls’s classic novel has two components.
Where the Red Fern Grows Thinking and Writing Prompts
The Think, Write, Create section offers a series of open-ended activities based on the higher level thinking skills of Bloom’s Taxonomy and specific CCSS skills. The items are organized as a section of chapter-by-chapter activities and a second group of whole-book, post-reading challenges. Difficulty levels are varied to accommodate the needs of individual students including the gifted. Elements of literature and vocabulary building are targeted in some of these activities. Where applicable, targeted CCSS skills are listed at the end of the prompts.Where the Red Fern Grows Graphic Organizers for Writing
The second component is a group of 14 Graphic Organizers that spring from a specific story event, idea, or character. Each topic offers opportunity for improving and polishing composition skills. This 38-page resource for teaching Wilson Rawls’s classic novel has two components.Special Note The two components in this file are included in the full Novel Study Guide listed first on this page. Please do not duplicate your order.
Bud, Not Buddy Teaching Guide (Digital Download)
$16.00Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis
Bud, Not Buddy Teaching Guide is a fifty-seven page resource for teaching Christopher Paul Curtis’s 2000 Newbery Winner with three components.
A series of OBJECTIVE TESTS that check for basic story comprehension. The questions cover the novel as chapter-by-chapter quizzes and as a whole book test. Students will need to read the book carefully and thoroughly for FACTUAL CONTENT in order to score well on these tests.
SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT/SOMETHING TO WRITE ABOUT open-ended prompts based on Bloom’s Taxonomy that cover the novel chapter-by-chapter and as a whole book.
GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS for writing based on specific novel events or characters.
Full answer keys are included.
View SAMPLE PAGES (Use back arrow to exit sample pages.)IMPORTANT NOTE: The Bud, Not Buddy Teaching Guide described above contains ALL of the material available in each of the following purchase options. Individual components are offered for those customers who do not wish to purchase the full Teaching Guide. Please do not unintentionally duplicate your order.
Watsons Go To Birmingham–1963
$23.00Watsons Go to Birmingham–1963, The by Christopher Paul Curtis
Watsons Go to Birmingham–1963 Teaching Guide is a 113-page, eight component resource for teaching Christopher Paul Curtis’s 1996 Newbery Honor Book.
Watsons Go to Birmingham– 1963 Teaching Guide Components:
(1)The detailed CHAPTER SUMMARIES, written in bulleted format for easy reference, provide a quick method for becoming familiar with the material when time is limited and for refreshing memory when using The Watsons from year to year.
(2)PREREADING ACTIVITIES for The Watsons include discussion and research ideas for getting acquainted with the year 1963, prompts to encourage discussions about family and friends, and a bulletin board idea.
(3)The VOCABULARY section contains an alphabetized list of all words from The Watsons targeted for study along with their page numbers, book order word lists with definitions and page numbers, a series of worksheets that address dictionary and usage skills, and activities that focus on figurative language taken directly from the story.
(4)The chapter-by-chapter SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS can be use as homework reading guides, pop quizzes, conferencing tools, etc. The questions require detailed, factual responses.
(5)The series of OBJECTIVE TESTS, which cover The Watsons as chapter-by-chapter quizzes and as a whole book test, do not require story interpretation but rather check for FACTUAL story comprehension. The goal of this component is to build a strong foundation for progression to the higher level thinking skills.
(6)The activities in THINK, WRITE, CREATE, both chapter-by-chapter and whole book, require students to engage the higher level thinking skills of Bloom’s Taxonomy. These open-ended prompts cover a range of difficulties from basic to challenges for gifted students. The items address various Common Core Standards skills such as interpretive thinking, character analysis, sequencing, vocabulary building, point of view, compare/contrast, and theme. Many are cross-curricula.
(7)The GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS are unique in that they are based on specific events or characters directly from The Watsons rather than a standard design. Each one offers opportunities for practicing and improving thinking and writing skills.
(8)Full ANSWER KEYS are included for all questions requiring a specific answer..
View SAMPLE PAGES (Use back arrow to exit sample pages.)IMPORTANT NOTE: Watsons Go to Birmingham–1963 Teaching Guide contains ALL of the material available in each of the following purchase options. Individual components are offered for those customers who do not wish to purchase the full Teaching Guide. Please do not unintentionally duplicate your order.