dictionary skills
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Schooled: Prereading and Informational Texts, Vocabulary
$10.00Schooled: Pre-reading and Informational Texts, Vocabulary is 52-page teaching resource for teaching Gordon Korman’s popular middle school title with three components.
•PREREADING activities and ideas with two bulletin board ideas•FOUR INFORMATIONAL TEXTS with CCSS-aligned questions
Author Biography
The American Search for Utopia
The Hippies
Life on a 60s Rural Commune•VOCABULARY with word lists, definitions, dictionary activities, usage
worksheets, and a study of figurative language taken from the text.Full ANSWER KEYS are included. Specific CCSS alignments for individual questions and page activities are listed here.
Schooled: Vocabulary and Figurative Language Study
$8.00Schooled: Vocabulary and Figurative Language Study is a 27-page teaching resource composed of
Vocabulary Resources and Activities which include:
a full-book alphabetized list of words chosen for study with page numbers
book-order word lists with definitions
dictionary skills worksheets designed to be used before reading the text
word usage worksheetsFigurative Language study:
Two different activity sets with twenty items each featuring examples of similes, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia, idioms, and figurative meanings taken from the story.Full answer keys with CCSS alignments are included.
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