Showing 341–360 of 366 results
Giver, The: Whole Book Test (Digital Download)
$4.00Giver, The: Whole Book Test is a fifty-question multiple choice quiz for Lois Lowry’s 1994 Newbery Medal Winner that covers the whole book and checks for basic FACTUAL comprehension.
Full answer keys are included
Task Cards: The Giver–Inference Skills Chapters 1-5
$5.00This set of 20 task cards for The Giver provide students with specific examples of how inferences are planted in stories and practice in spotting and interpreting them.
This file covers Chapters 1-5. Each one presents a story quote, story facts, or a combination of the two with inference clues that involve plot analysis or character development. The accompanying question is presented in multiple choice style with four possible answers.
The package includes answer keys, an answer sheet, a cover card that can double as a container label, and a student instruction card. Book page numbers for each question is included in the answer keys to give teachers the choice of using the cards as review warm ups or quizzes.
Additional Task Card Sets for chapters 6-10, Chapters 11-15, and 16-23 are available below.
View Sample Pages HERE
October in Figurative Language
$6.50The month of October is the focus of this figurative language activity pack. Organized into three different lessons with 25 items each, students are asked to identify and interpret similes, metaphors, hyperboles, idioms, and personification. An introductory reference page with definitions and examples of the five featured figures of speech can be used as part of the student handout. Full answer keys are included.
Twelve pages including cover page.
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Task Cards: The Giver Inference Skills Chapters 6-10
$5.00These Task Cards cover Chapters 6-10. Each one presents a story quote, story facts, or a combination of the two with inference clues that involve plot analysis or character development. The accompanying question is presented in multiple choice style with four possible answers.
The remaining two sets of Task Cards for Chapters 11-15, and 16-23 are available below.
View Sample Pages HERE.
Informational Text Pack for March: Umbrellas and Barbie
$6.50In honor of March’s U.S. designation as National Umbrella Month, the first portion of this text pack is about this very necessary item.
Barbie, the first teen fashion doll, made her debut on March 9, 1959, at the New York Toy Fair. Since then, she has reigned at the world’s most popular doll. To commemorate her 50+ years of extreme fame, controversy, and legal entanglements, the second article tells the story of Barbie Millicent Roberts.
Each article is three pages of script with 15 CCSS aligned questions. The target skills are listed in the answer keys, and not with the questions.
This file is 17 total pages, including 12 pages of script, 2 pages of answer keys, a table of content, a cover page, and an e-bibliography with clipart art credits.
Full answer keys are included.
View Sample Pages HERE. (Use the back arrow to return to this page.)
A Thanksgiving Feast of Figurative Language
$6.50This figure-of-speech study is constructed around the loosely woven story of a family’s Thanksgiving get together. Organized in three sections (Appetizers, Main Course, After Dinner Activities) of twenty-five items each, the original sentences feature a menu of six figures of speech: similes, metaphors, hyperbole, personification, alliteration, and onomatopoeia.
Full answer keys are included.
Fifteen total pages counting cover.
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The Giver: Task Cards Inference Skills Chapters 11-15
$5.00This set of 24 cards for Lois Lowry’s 1994 Newbery Medal Winner provide students with specific examples of how inferences are planted in stories and practice in spotting and interpreting them.
These Task Cards cover Chapters 11-15. Each one presents a story quote, story facts, or a combination of the two with inference clues that involve plot analysis or character development. The accompanying question is presented in multiple choice style with four possible answers.
The package includes answer keys, an answer sheet, a cover card that can double as a container label, and a student instruction card. Book page numbers for each question is included in the answer keys to give teachers the choice of using the cards as review warm ups or quizzes.View SAMPLE CARDS
Deck the Halls with Figurative Language
$6.50This holiday-themed study of figurative language is composed of a series of original sentences, popular song lyrics, and a verse from a familiar Christmas poem. Organized into three parts with twenty-five items each, students are challenged to identify and interpret the six featured figures of speech–simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, alliteration, and onomatopoeia.
A total of 16 pages–including full answer keys, a list of the targeted figures of speech with definitions and examples, and the cover page.
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Task Cards: The Giver Inference Skills Chapters 16-23
$5.00This set of 24 task cards for The Giver provide students with specific examples of how inferences are planted in stories and practice in spotting and interpreting them.
These Task Cards cover Chapters 16-23. Each one presents a story quote, story facts, or a combination of the two with inference clues that involve plot analysis or character development. The accompanying question is presented in multiple choice style with four possible answers.
The package includes answer keys, an answer sheet, a cover card that can double as a container label, and a student instruction card. Book page numbers for each question is included in the answer keys to give teachers the choice of using the cards as review warm ups or quizzes.View SAMPLE CARDS
Informational Text Pack for April: Frogs and Kites
$6.50In the U.S., April is both National Frog Month and National Kite Month. Thus, the unlikely duo of frogs and kites is the subject of this Informational Text Pack.
“Frog Background Check” takes students into the world of frogs and highlights some of their most unusual talents and habits, such as shedding and eating their own skins. Though written to appeal to a student’s sense of humor, this text’s goal of instilling an appreciation for these little critters is 100% serious.
Generally thought of as no more than a toy, kites take center stage in “Go Fly a Kite.” This article features a brief history of kites and how they have been a vital factor in several important human accomplishments.
Each text is accompanied with a variety of 15 CCSS aligned questions.
Full answer keys included. (CCSS skills are listed here, not in the questions.)
View Sample Pages HERE:
January in Figurative Language
$6.50January in Figurative Language is a nine-page activity set in two parts (25 items each).
The month of January–its weather and special designations–is the inspiration for the original sentences, famous people quotes, and literature passages that illustrate the use of similes, metaphors, hyperbole, personification, and idioms. Multiple choice questions challenge students to identify and interpret the featured figures of speech.
Full answer keys are included.
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Interactive Notebook Pages Parts of Speech: Verbs
$10.50The nine interactive notebook pages in this product address the required CCSS verb skills for grades 4-8 as well as those covered by ELA teachers who are not following Common Core. They are:
Lesson Activity 1: Action and Linking Verbs
Lesson Activity 2: Helping Verbs/Verb Phrases
Lesson Activity 3: Modal Helping Verbs
Lesson Activity 4: Present, Past, Future Tense
Lesson Activity 5: Perfect Tense
Lesson Activity 6: Irregular Verbs
Lesson Activity 7: Progressive Tense
Lesson Activity 8. Perfect Progressive Tense
Lesson Activity 9: Consistency in Verb Tense
This package includes an optional Pop-up Divider Page as a bonus Activity.Each Lesson Activity includes a page of facts and examples (right side of notebook) that give a thorough presentation of the target skill(s), and student response forms that are ready to cut and assemble.
All lessons come with specific cutting and assembly instructions with photos of the various steps and directions for completing the student response forms. Answer keys and sample responses for each interactive page are also included.
February Figuratively Speaking
$6.50February Figuratively Speaking is a 13 page activity organized in three parts with 25 items each.
February’s jam-packed list of special occasions forms the basis for the original sentences, famous people quotes, and literature passages that illustrate the use of similes, metaphors, hyperbole, personification, alliteration, and onomatopoeia. Multiple choice questions challenge students to identify and interpret the featured figures of speech. Great test practice as well as seasonal fun.
Full answer keys are included.
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Celebrating March in Figurative Language
$6.50March in Figurative Language is a study of 7 figures of speech–idiom, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, alliteration, onomatopoeia, and idiom–illustrated in original sentences or quotations from real people. This 13-page package is presented in three separate lessons of 25 items each.
Our third month’s calendar position as the transition point from winter to spring, or from summer to autumn if you live in the Southern hemisphere, provides the inspiration for some of the original sentences. Others are based on March’s role as host to St. Patrick’s Day, Women’s History Month, National Cheerleading Week, and the likes of Save a Spider Day on the 14th and Weed Appreciation Day on the 28th. Teachers have the option of adding an extra thinking skill by asking students to connect each sentence to one of the 13 featured celebrations and events.
Full answer keys are included.
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Informational Texts Pack: Feet and Shoes
$6.50Feet and shoes are the topics of this Informational Texts Pack. Titles of the four original articles are
Arguments for Feet Appreciation
Where Did You Get Those Shoes?
Extraordinary Feet
Speaking of Feet. . .The goal of this teaching resource is to inform and to entertain—lots of humor to keep students interested, especially “Speaking of Feet. . .” For the teacher, there are 10 CCSS aligned questions in a variety of formats for each of the four articles.
The Teacher’s Resources section offers one or more complete writing prompts for all four texts, links to internet sites and YouTube videos for more in-depth study, research topics, and the e-bibliography used in writing the articles.
Full answer keys with specific CCSS alignments are included. Twenty-five total pages.
Celebrating April with Figurative Language
$6.50Celebrating April with Figurative Language is a 12-page activity organized in three parts with 25 items each.
April’s festive, fun list of special occasions forms the basis for the original sentences, famous people quotes, and poetry excerpts that illustrate the use of similes, metaphors, hyperboles, personification, and alliteration. Multiple choice questions with four possible answers challenge students to identify and interpret the featured figures of speech. Great test practice as well as seasonal fun.
Full answer keys are included.
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I Have, Who Has. . . Fictional Couples Game for Valentine’s Day
$4.50From Mickey and Minnie Mouse to Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, the literary world offers a variety of couples whose stories mirror the romantic ups and downs of the real world.This I Have. . Who Has. . . game features 28 couples on 28 playing cards. Some, like Mickey and Minnie, live in the land of cartoons. Others are imaginative renditions of people with strange quirks, including the likes of Herman and Lily Munster. Romeo and Juliet are among the choice few who earn a special place in our hearts as timeless examples of true love.This selection of love-struck characters will have particular appeal to middle school students (5th-8th) Use this game to give their Valentine’s Day a little extra luster, even if it is based in fiction. They will be right at home!View SAMPLE PAGES. (Use the back arrow to exit sample pages.) -
Interactive Notebook Pages: Parts of Speech: Nouns
$10.50The seven interactive notebook pages in this product address the skills listed in CCSS as well as those covered by ELA teachers who are not following Common Core. They are:
- Lesson Activity 1: Noun Recognition/Common and Proper Nouns
- Lesson Activity 2: Concrete and Abstract Nouns
- Lesson Activity 3: Collective Nouns
- Lesson Activity 4: Plurals
- Lesson Activity 5: Unusual Plurals
- Lesson Activity 6: Possessive Nouns
- Lesson Activity 7: Possessive or Plural?
- Optional Intro/Divider Pop-up Page
These lessons and activities focus on the noun as a part of speech. They do not include a study of nouns as they are used in grammatical structure (subject, predicate nominative, direct object, subject/verb agreement, etc.).
Though the CCSS introduces nouns in the primary grades, this set of interactive notebook pages is for 6th-8th graders and some high school ELA classes. It is designed to be a combined review, reinforcement, and a new-learning tool. The skills covered are advanced and not for beginners.
View sample pages HERE.
Thanksgiving Bingo with Twenty-Five Playing Cards
$6.00This Thanksgiving Bingo package contains twenty-five filled, game-ready playing cards constructed from seventy-six Thanksgiving-related vocabulary words. The target words are formatted on the last two pages so that they can be printed on card stock, cut apart, and pulled from a container to call the games.
Great fun in classrooms, club meetings, and family gatherings.
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Christmas Bingo Package
$6.00Treat your students (and yourself) to a game or two of Christmas Bingo on that last, excitement-saturated day before the holiday break. The only preparation required is printing the material.
You get twenty-five filled, game-ready playing cards constructed around ninety Christmas-related vocabulary words. The target words are also formatted on the last three pages ready to be printed on card stock, cut apart, and pulled from a container to call the games
Also suitable for clubs, family gatherings, or any holiday get-together.
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