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Stone Fox: Think, Write, Create with Graphic Organizers



Stone Fox: Think, Write, Create with Graphic Organizers is a 34-page teaching resource with two components.

•Chapter-by-chapter and whole book THINK, WRITE, CREATE open-ended prompts, based on the higher level thinking skills of Bloom’s Taxonomy, which range in difficulty from the most basic to challenges for gifted students. Though not individually tagged, most items align with CCSS RL 4. Others meet the Language and Writing Standards.
•A series of 11 GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS for writing based on specific novel events or characters and reference material for student research. A suggested grading rubric is also included.

Answer keys for activities requiring specific answers are provided. Suggested responses for several other activities are also included.

A reference section with goals, teaching suggestions, and fourth grade Common Core alignments is available at the end of the document.


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