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Informational Text Pack for September: Coffee with Punctuation



This informational text pack—Coffee with Punctuation—highlights National Punctuation Day on September 24th and  International Coffee Day celebrated on September 29th.

The first article, “Punctuation Rules!,” begins with a trick sentence that illustrates how punctuation can change meaning.  Next is a list of 5 punctuation vocabulary words with Greek and Latin backgrounds. A brief history of the development of English punctuation from ancient Greece to the present gives student a look at punctuation through the centuries.  A final trick sentence offers them something a little different to do on National Punctuation Day.

The second article,”Let’s Go for Coffee,” chronicles the dual histories of coffee drinking and coffeehouses from the 14th Century to Colonial America (Students will be surprised to learn that the Boston Tea Party was plotted in a coffeehouse!) to the founding of that famous chain of coffeehouses in Seattle, Washington, in 1971.

“Punctuation Rules!” has 15 CCSS aligned questions.  “Let’s Go for Coffee has 12.”  Full answer keys (with targeted CCSS alignments) are included.

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