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Task Cards for Halloween: E-e-e-e! Spelling
$4.00Early each October, I start seeing signs all over the place, “Workers Needed for Haunted Cemetary,” or “Haunted Cematary 2 mi.”
Years ago, someone clued me in on the spelling ditty that goes, “She cried E-E-E! when she passed the cEmEtEry,” so naturally I always notice and obsess over these public displays of bad spelling. I was on the verge of purchasing one of those huge permanent black magic markers (the other teacher’s pet) and turning loose my desire to correct when I was distracted by the realization that many words have 3 e’s in their spellings. Then I found a bunch of 4-e words. To my surprise, I Googled-up a group of 5-e’s. The community’s bad spellers were spared, and I had an idea for a fun Halloween spelling activity for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders.
Of course, all age groups and attitudes are invited to have a go at E-e-e-e!! Spelling!View SAMPLE CARDS