Palindromes for January

What do the word “sis” and the sentence “Madam, I’m Adam” have in common? Both are palindromes–words, phrases, and sentences with individual letters that sit in the same sequence whether they are read forward or backward. With January being the month named after the ancient Roman god whose two faces allowed him to look into the past and into the future, it seems a fitting time to entertain and challenge students with the back-and-forth palindrome concept.
PALINDROMES FOR JANUARY is divided into three parts. The first, with 30 items, focuses on one-word palindromes. Part two, deals with a set of 25 palindrome phrases that students can assemble by supplying the missing letters. The third portion is the ultimate challenge with 25 sentences, again with missing letters that students can identify by applying the sequencing principle of palindromes.
Full answer keys included.
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