Better Late Than Never

Who among us, student and teacher alike, has not stepped over an unpleasant task and assigned it to an undetermined future date? For a select group, piddling around is standard procedure.
Procrastination, it seems, is pretty much one of the common denominators of human behavior. So why would we be surprised that the second week in March is designated as NATIONAL PROCRASTINATION WEEK–that is, unless it gets put off until sometime later.
This free download, entitled BETTER LATE THAN NEVER, acknowledges Procrastination Week’s existence and then delves into vocabulary with the letters L-A-T-E hidden in their spellings.
Students are instructed to use the given definitions and clues to fill in missing letters and unmask 35 different “late” words. Some of the terms will be familiar, but others will be more difficult to identify, if and when your students get around to them.
Full answer keys are included.
Download your copy now. Or whenever.